Sunday, October 24, 2010


Blue is so fine
so very sublime
so ever beautifully blue.

There's skies
blueberry pies
Blue Ridge Mountains
true blue soldiers
lonesome blues
wild yonders we go off into
bluebirds of happiness
blue moons
bluets like baby eyes
lost love
soft lights
bluegrass music
summer nights.

I put my new jeans in with the reds
now everything's purple instead.

By Karen Schirmer 


I really liked this poem because of the large amount of imagery the author managed to put into it. The words and phrases that were chosen to be put into this list poem appeal mainly to the sense of sight but it still gives the reader a good understanding of how the poet feels about the colour blue. Another interesting point is that some of the items in the list (such as: dogs, shadows, lost love, sighs, etc.) are not necessarily directly related to the colour blue, but instead appeal to the senses of the reader and help to enhance the mental picture the reader paints in his or her head while reading this poem.  Rhyming is used in this poem though it is unclear whether there is any certain rhyme scheme present. There are not many poetic devices used in this poem although the poet uses repetition of the word "so" in the first three lines as well as a simile in line 19 (bluets like baby eyes). I found the last two lines to be the most interesting as they introduce new colours into the poem and, by doing so, change the mental image of a world of blue into a more diverse and less monotaneous vision.  I believe that the end of this poem alludes to the creation of a new poem, that has the theme of "purple".


  1. Very good choice for a poem. Also a very good theme for poems. The imagery in this poem is beautiful. Good luck with all the other colours.

  2. Alistair, this poem was a great snag. The imagery is great and the poem fits into your theme beautifully, as my colleague Stephen mentions. My favorite line by far is,
    "Blue is so fine
    so very sublime
    so ever beautifully blue."
    The rhyme of "fine" and "sublime" is a great addition.

    Great job!

  3. I agree with Max. I imagine "summer nights" and "true blue soldiers" when I read this poem. I didn't know so many things could be described as blue,like "dogs". Good luck with the colour bird poop green. Great job!

  4. Alistair I really enjoyed this poem. This is a very appealing poem to the sense of sight, with all the beautiful imagery used, it really creates a blue (not sad) picture in your mind. i like the way the author used rhyming couplets at the beginning and the end of the poem to give the poem a nice touch. Overall a very enjoying read. I see some foreshadowing of a purple poem, so I will be looking forward to that.

    Great Job!

  5. Alistair, i like the poem you chose. the word choice was both unique and intriguing, and overall it creates a nice image. good work

  6. This was an interesting choice for a poem. Like you discussed, I liked how the author varied the blue items, including some that aren't blue in a literal sense, like geography (Blue Ridge Mountains, like the Fleet Foxes song) or feelings (Lonesome Blues). The ending was fun and a good way to finish the poem. This fits well as a starter poem!

    Emil "pRose"

  7. Usually, I associate blue with sadness, but I didn't feel it here. It was kind of clever and comedic the way this poem was written. I liked how the author mixed blue jeans with the reds. It's like washing socks with a Spider-Man suit. Great opening poem.

  8. Who would have thought there was such depth to such an uninteresting colour as blue? This poem really makes me think of blue as more than just the colour of my jeans. This section here really makes me smile: true blue soldiers lonesome blues
    wild yonders we go off into

    Great choice and I cannot wait to read your original work!

  9. I really like the colour blue. I wanted to throw that out there as an introductory statement. Amazing poem. I'm a sucker for simple poems. "Bluegrass music" was a nice play on words by the author - that was probably my favourite part. I agree with you, there is much imagery. Good choice.

  10. Although my favourite colour is not blue I still liked this poem. I agree with everyone else when I say there is great imagery. I like how it was just a list of all the things blue but it was still interesting with all the rhymes. it really painted a picture in my mind. Great way to start off the blog.

  11. Although my favourite color is blue I could not say that I liked this poem after the first reading- it might just be the repetition of the word blue though. For instance I tried to figure out how the author managed to associate dogs with the color blue but just couldn't. However that means this poem offers us much to explore, as you did in your explication. "Wild yonders we go off into" was the best line by far, I have to admit! I can't wait to read the entire rainbow!

  12. Blue is one of my favorite colours but even with that aside I really liked this poem! My favorite thing about it was the simplicity. It goes to show that sometimes less is definitely more. Also the ending was very unexpected and witty. Great pick!

  13. loooove blueeeee
    great poem as well as topic and blog in general, love the imagery conveyed in the poem, it brought up so many feelings and emotions inside my heart. the last two lines were cool cuz i loooove purpleeeeeeeee

  14. I'm not a big fan on BLUE but none the less i like how this poem is short and concise. Good description and well thought of and planned. The rhyme makes it more fun to read as well.

  15. Nice choice in poem alistair. Like Kevin, blue is a colour I assciate with sadness, but not here. This poem I found both witty and concise. Keep up the good work.

  16. Blue is one of those colours that can be associated with almost anything. I really like how the poet incorporated not only concrete blue objects, but also feelings, music and time. Some rythem and rhyme were also evident in this poem. Good job!
