Sunday, November 14, 2010

White Snow

Bright sunshine breaks through
Glistening white snow melting
Winter turns to Spring


For my final poem I decided that I would bless my blog with a haiku that is actually worth reading. And here it is. This particular poem caught my interest because of the imagery it creates when depicting the changing of seasons. For a poem of only 17 syllables this piece uses good descriptions and examples. I didn't find any poetic devices in this poem except for the possible personification in line one to do with the sunshine "breaking through".

Seeing as this is my final blog post I will bid you, my readers, adieu as I look forward to further pursuing the life of a professional poet. I plan to blog for a living when I move to the beautiful South American town of Cardoba, Argentina. Hopefully, I will be paid in pineapples so that, one day, I may complete my life goal of constructing a pineapple-raft in my basement and, with it, sailing the Seven Seas. I may not make as much money as a successful academic, but being a pineapple pirate must have some perks.
Recuerde este día como "el día en que casi capturado el capitán Alistair Russell"!

thank you, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Concrete Poem

This is my concrete poem that I made in the shape of a rainbow so as to include all of the colours of light in one poem. There aren't any poetic devices, just a collection of descriptive words associated with a rainbow. I found that this poem actually took a lot longer than I thought it would, partly because of my terrible scanner.

Hurrahing in Harvest

Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks arise
  Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behaviour
  Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier
Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies?

I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes,
  Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour;
  And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a
Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies?

And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder
  Majestic — as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! —
These things, these things were here and but the beholder
  Wanting; which two when they once meet,
The heart rears wings bold and bolder
  And hurls for him, O half hurls earth for him off under his feet.

By Gerard Manley Hopkins


This is a Petrarchan Sonnet written by Gerard Hopkins and it relates to my theme of colour because colour is the primary motif throughout the poem. This is evident in the lines "And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder" and "very-violet-sweet". I especially liked how the author used 'azurous' as an adjective because I feel it gives the poem a deeper meaning than if the author had just used 'blue'. I found many alliterations in this poem: line 1 - barbarious in beauty, line 2 - what wind walks, line 3 - silk-sack, line 3 - wilder wilful-wavier, line 9 - world-wielding, line 10 - stallion stalwart, line 13 - bold and bolder. As well as many other poetic devices, there were many cases of repetition (lines 5 and 11). I enjoyed this poem because of how intricate every part is. It is clear this took a lot of work from a very skilled poet.


Original and vibrant
Renowned mix of red and yellow
Attention grabbing
Natural and healing
Greatly warming
End of the year


This poem is an acrostic and I chose to use orange as my topic because it is a colour that I haven't used in other poems yet. The colour orange also hasn't been mentioned in any of the poems I've found by other authors. I like orange because it is a warm colour but also commands attention with its brightness. I tried to use a multitude of descriptive adjectives in this poem because it was too short for me to effectively incorporate poetic devices into it. This poem is short in length but each description goes a long way.

There once was a man from Peru

There once was a man from Peru
Who was feeling awfully blue
He so easily said
He'd switch back to red
Or even a yellow mood too


This is a limerick that I wrote about a man who is feeling bad and, through colour, seeks a way to make himself feel better. The humour is aimed toward taking a more literal meaning from the phrase "feeling blue" and using it to my advantage as it relates to my theme. I enjoyed making this limerick because the only big challenge was to make the rhythm fit to the appropriate template.

Mountain Villanelle

Once-blue mountains, almost gone
The old and faded ones still standing,
Tired from life’s marathon,

Waiting for the coming dawn
Like ghosts forever calling,
Once-blue mountains, almost gone,

But just enough when new light shone,
To paint a scene of landscape vast,
Tired from life’s marathon

New-built stacks of glass come on,
And covers up the nature’s past,
Once-blue mountains, almost gone,

And watching as the new sun shone,
All but few had eyes well cast,
Tired from life’s marathon,

The mountains had soon brought on
A conflict, not first nor last,
Once-blue mountains, almost gone,
Tired from life’s marathon.


I decided to make this poem a villanelle because it seemed a bit more of a challenge. It was difficult to relate every line back to the two refrains but I thought it worked out in the end. My to refrains were "Once-blue mountains, almost gone." and "Tired from life's marathon". This poem talked of how the beauty of nature goes more and more unnoticed as the world develops. I also tried to mention how city skylines are slowly replacing the beautiful mountain landscapes. I included a few poetic devices in this poem such as the simile in line 5.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sky Haiku

  Up in open sky
colours spread all around us
here, a rainbow shines


I chose to do this poem in the form of a haiku because it was a short style of poem that greatly appealed to me. This haiku is done in the traditional way of incorporating 17 syllables in lines of 5, 7, and 5 respectively. Other than the possible presence of assonance in both lines 1 and 2, I did not use any poetic devices to make this poem. I chose to make this poem a bit different by relating colour to an element of the sky as opposed to material objects like I did in a few of my other poems. I tried to use as much imagery as I could and I chose to incorporate the impression of a rainbow as it contains every colour within it and it relates well to my theme.