Saturday, November 6, 2010


Wonderfully bright,
Eternal in thought
Within everything we seek,


This is a cinquain poem in its most basic form:

1st line - one word (title)

2nd line - two words
3rd line - three words
4th line - four words
5th line - one word

I chose to construct this poem in this style because I admire the impact that a short poem can make upon a reader.  I decided to use "Glow" as my title and theme because it refers to the burning brightness of colour and has a greater connection to more vivid colours as opposed to other darker, more mellow ones. I tried to include as many descriptive words and imagery as I could, but in a poem consisting of only eleven words it was challenging. This cinquain was constructed to appeal to the connection between sight and thought.


  1. Hey Alistair,
    I like this poem, it's short but sweet (and simple too). And simple goes a long way in my books. I agree with you about the impact a short poem can have on a reader and this poem is a good example. The length and the simplicity juxtapose themselves against your word choice and imagery. I definitely think you achived your goal of making the connection between sight and thought in the poem. Great job!

  2. Short, concise, and deep.
    A strong and powerful poem that achieves much with 11 words.
